EZRS Group

Swap OSRS to RS3 to OSRS Gold Fast & Securely

Easy & fast way to exchange your OSRS Gold to RS3 Gold or RS3 to OSRS.
You can always sell or buy RS Gold.
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SWAP OSRS to RS 3 Gold

* A team member will contact you shortly.

SWAP RS 3 to OSRS Gold

SWAP RS 3 to OSRS Gold

* A team member will contact you shortly.

Are you a huge fan of RS3 and OSRS? You enjoy gaming both of them? If yes then swapping rs gold between those two game types is necessary for you. Unfortunately, usually it is hard to find trustworthy people to make this deal clear. Game is full of scammers who are willing to steal your RS gold. We don’t recommend you to try swap gold with random people, instead you are able to use our safe service. We promise you the highest level safety.

How to swap RS gold:

  1. Select the swap gold section at the top of the page.You can navigate there by pressing the third option – Swap gold, on your left hand site, at the top of the page.
  2. Choose what kind of gold you want to swap – OSRS to RS3 or RS3 to OSRS.If you want to swap your OSRS gold over to RS3 use the first swap box on your left. If you want to swap your RS3 gold over to OSRS use the second one.
  3. Decide how much gold you would like to swap.You can swap 300m or any amount above that if you are swapping RS07 gold to RS3 gold. Alternatively you can swap 2000M or more if you are swapping from RS3 to RS07.
  4. Enter the gold amount in millions to see how much of gold you will be receiving.The swapping rates change depending on the price of both RS3 and OSRS gold. RS3 gold has been cheaper than OSRS gold since the release of OSRS.
  5. Click the SWAP GOLD NOW button.After clicking this button a message detailing your order will be sent to our customer support.
  6. You will be contacted by our 24/7 live customer support.Feel free to ask us any questions you may have regarding the swap and they will do their best to answer them. After checking if we have enough gold for the swap, our support will tell let you know it the trade can happen.
  7. We will give you the world and location. Go there and give the gold you want to swap over.For example if you want to swap your RS3 gold over to OSRS, you will first have to meet us at a world and location given to you. You will first be meeting in RS3 to give the amount of gold you will be swapping to us. ALWAYS confirm the trade in the live chat!
  8. Then you will be given a world and location in the game you want to swap over.After we have received the gold in RS3 we will give you a world and location at which you will have to meet us in OSRS.
  9. Meet them there and you will be given the gold.Congratulations! You have successfully swapped RS gold! Thank you for swapping gold at EZRSGOLD. If you wish, after completing the swap, you may leave us feedback.

Our customers are more than happy

average services rate is 4.99/5

January 17, 2025

Great prices and super quick service. Was very helpful and easy to follow instructions. 10/10 will return and recommend

Biggie Chris
January 15, 2025
Was quick and easy! would recommend
January 13, 2025
eric bought some gold real quick from me using btc